Systematic Review of Ptsd Treatments Mong Caucasian Veterans

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A Meta-Assay of Risk Factors for Combat-Related PTSD among Military Personnel and Veterans

  • Chen Xue,
  • Yang Ge,
  • Bihan Tang,
  • Yuan Liu,
  • Peng Kang,
  • Meng Wang,
  • Lulu Zhang



  • Published: March 20, 2015


Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a complex and chronic disorder caused past exposure to a traumatic event, is a common psychological result of electric current war machine operations. It causes substantial distress and interferes with personal and social operation. Consequently, identifying the chance factors that brand war machine personnel and veterans more probable to experience PTSD is of bookish, clinical, and social importance. Four electronic databases (PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, and PsycINFO) were used to search for observational studies (cross-sectional, retrospective, and cohort studies) nearly PTSD afterwards deployment to gainsay areas. The literature search, report option, and data extraction were conducted by 2 of the authors independently. Thirty-two articles were included in this report. Summary estimates were obtained using random-furnishings models. Subgroup analyses, sensitivity analyses, and publication bias tests were performed. The prevalence of combat-related PTSD ranged from 1.09% to 34.84%. A total of 18 pregnant predictors of PTSD among military personnel and veterans were found. Run a risk factors stemming from before the trauma include female person gender, indigenous minority status, low pedagogy, not-officer ranks, army service, gainsay specialization, high numbers of deployments, longer cumulative length of deployments, more adverse life events, prior trauma exposure, and prior psychological bug. Various aspects of the trauma period also constituted take a chance factors. These include increased combat exposure, discharging a weapon, witnessing someone being wounded or killed, severe trauma, and deployment-related stressors. Lastly, lack of mail service-deployment support during the post-trauma menstruum besides increased the chance of PTSD. The current analysis provides bear witness of risk factors for gainsay-related PTSD in military personnel and veterans. More research is needed to make up one's mind how these variables collaborate and how to best protect confronting susceptibility to PTSD.


Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among war machine personnel and veterans has been studied for more than 30 years, PTSD may develop after an individual experiences or witnesses a traumatic upshot, such every bit combat, a natural disaster, or a violent personal assault [1]. PTSD is ofttimes been studied among war machine personnel in relation to combat trauma [two–v]. The issue of combat on PTSD in military personnel is a major concern amidst the public, military leaders, and policy makers [6], indeed, information technology can be a debilitating consequence of severe or life-threatening trauma [seven]. Moreover, PTSD can crusade substantial distress and interfere with personal and social functioning, subsequently leading to social withdrawal, anger, and assailment [8–11]. Furthermore, PTSD in armed forces populations has a pervasive touch on military readiness and the accomplishment of war machine goals [12]. Studies that focus on PTSD tin be divided into several categories, These categories include the bones theoretical accounts of PTSD (e.k., disease epidemiology, clinical manifestation and nomenclature, comorbid conditions), inquiry on pathogenic factors related to PTSD (e.g. traumatic events, family history of mental disorders, social factors); the diagnosis and evaluation of PTSD; and the treatment and prevention of PTSD. Researchers have proposed many theories to explain the development of PTSD, including biological theories, and psychological theories. Psychology theories include the psychodynamic theory equally well as learning theory and cerebral theories; while cognitive theory best explains the development of PTSD [13]. The current research on the biological theory of PTSD aims to better sympathize the run a risk factor and related neurobiological mechanisms related to the illness. Neurobiological research has indicated that PTSD has singled-out mechanisms that are unlike from the full general stress response and other mental illnesses. For example, Bremner et al. noted that patients with PTSD showroom hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal centrality (HPA axis) disorder [14, 15]. In addition, Gelpin, Bonne, et al. speculated that people with PTSD have abnormal levels of catecholamine since they demonstrate high alert symptoms such as insomnia and becoming frightened easily [xvi]. Moreover, Wong et al. reported that changes in immunology may be involved in the occurrence and maintain of PTSD [17].

The risk factor literature shows that non everyone who experiences a traumatic upshot will develop PTSD. Therefore, it has get increasingly accustomed that individual vulnerability factors contribute to the evolution of PTSD across the traumatic effect itself [18]. In past several decades, a number of studies have focused on combat-related PTSD and have identified individual and social risk factors, these chance factors include being younger at the time of the trauma, being female, existence of a racial minority, being of a lower socioeconomic status (SES), and lack of social back up [19, 20]. While all studies included routinely measured demographic factors, at that place is petty consistency in the risk factors examined or in the measures used to assess these factors [3]. While the methods assessing trauma severity have been adequately consistent in studies of veterans, there are increasingly more studies are focusing on more specific factors that cannot exist compared across studies because there are no standardized measurements of high levels of threat, the experience of atrocities, abusive violence, and neutral or malicious interpersonal atmospheres [21]. Thus, individual studies may report very different strengths of association between a given risk factor and PTSD.

Meta-analyses are able to explore variations between studies by examining how sample and study characteristics deed as moderators of a given association. As such, a meta-analysis would be helpful in consolidating the abundance of information on PTSD risk factors. Kaylor et al. conducted a previous meta-assay on the topic and focused on the general psychological impact of armed services service in Vietnam [22], In add-on, Rubonis and Bickman, examined the positive relationship between disasters and psychopathology via meta-assay [23]. Moreover, the meta-analysis past Weaver and Clum found that psychological distress was associated with interpersonal violence [24]. However, it must be noted that these previous meta-analyses of trauma did not systematically study the risk factors of PTSD, or include participants with specific diagnoses of PTSD [3]. In a more than recent examination, Shalev summarized the results of 38 studies and found that pre-trauma vulnerability (e.g., family unit history of mental disorders, gender, personality traits, early traumatization, negative parenting experiences, and lower education) were associated with PTSD. Specifically, the magnitude of the stressor, preparation for the traumatic event, immediate reactions to the trauma, and post-trauma factors ( thousand., emerging symptoms, social support, and other life stress) were related with PTSD [25]. Brewin et al. also studied predictors of PTSD and showed that pre-trauma take a chance factors have relatively weak predictive furnishings, while trauma intensity and mail-trauma hazard factors accept somewhat stronger predictive effects. For example, a lack of social support, life stress, trauma severity, childhood abuse, and other agin childhood experiences were strong predictors of PTSD. Importantly, Brewin et al. noted that the set of studies they included in their meta-analysis was heterogeneous [3].

Drawing from Brewin et al.'s study, Ozer et al. focused on a comparing of static predictors (due east.g., psychological adjustment prior to the index traumatic event, family history of psychopathology, perceived life threat during the traumatic effect) to predictors that are more likely to be implicated in the psychological and neurobiological processes associated with the exposure to traumatic stress. They indicated that peri-traumatic dissociation was the strongest predictor of PTSD, followed by perceived life threat and lack of perceived support [26]. In some other meta-analysis, Trickey estimated the population event sizes of 25 potential risk factors for PTSD in children and adolescents; they indicated that subjective peri-truma factors and post-event factors played a major role in the evolution of PTSD [xi]. Nevertheless, their assay mainly targeted studies on the risk factors of PTSD in noncombatant populations (children, adolescents, and adults), rather than veterans or military personnel.

Thus, more than research is needed to decide the fundamental risk factors amidst military personnel deployed to gainsay zones. A meliorate reliable understanding of the factors that make military personnel and veterans more likely to develop PTSD can assist clinicians provide the necessary treatment earlier difficulties get chronic [27]. Likewise, a better agreement of PTSD may make it possible to improve assessments, prevention initiatives, and interventions, thereby leading to improve outcomes for military personnel and veterans exposed to potentially traumatic events [26]. In our study, we investigated and succeeded in founding the factors that may influence the development of gainsay-related PTSD in military personnel and veterans using meta-analytical techniques [28]. The predictive factors of PTSD included in our meta-analysis can be broadly categorized as pre-, peri-, and postal service-trauma factors [3, 26]. Pre-trauma factors include socio-demographic factors, military characteristics, prior traumatic experiences, and a history of psychiatric affliction, whereas peri-trauma factors include combat exposure, the severity of the trauma, and acute reactions to deployment-related agin events. Mail service-trauma factors include private comorbid psychological problems, social support, and subsequent stressful life events.


The methods and reporting procedures were in accordance with the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) checklist. A period diagram has been provided every bit supplementary material (S1 PRISMA Checklist) [29].

Search Strategy

English-language articles published in peer-reviewed journals betwixt 1980 (the year PTSD was start included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, DSM) and April 2014 were considered for inclusion. Iv psychological and medical literature databases were searched: PubMed, Embase, PsycINFO, and Web of Science. Search terms entered into the literature databases included combinations of the following: PTSD or post-traumatic stress disorder; military, or troop(south), or army, or navy, or marine corps, or air forcefulness, or armed, or defense, or peacekeeper(south), or soldier(south), or veteran(s); and, risk, predictor, prediction, or predisposition. A predictor or risk factor was operationally divers as any variable examined equally a potential contributor to variability in PTSD symptom levels or diagnostic condition. In improver, a manual search of references cited in all relevant original and review articles was conducted. For whatsoever total texts that were not available, we attempted to obtain information from the authors by email. This literature search yielded a preliminary database of two,657 published articles, which were and so reviewed for inclusion in the meta-analysis using various inclusion and exclusion criteria.

Inclusion and exclusion criteria

In order to be eligible for inclusion in the meta-analysis, studies had to fulfill the post-obit criteria: (a) investigated risk factors for PTSD in armed forces populations subsequently deployment to combat areas; (b) reported the odds ratios (ORs) or relative risks (RRs) and respective 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for risk factors in the development of PTSD; (c) included the post-deployment PTSD take a chance factors that we had selected; and (d) included a sample of military machine personnel, veterans, or both.

Manufactures were excluded on whatever of the following grounds; (a) the report measured only the astute trauma response (e.g. Acute Stress Disorder or PTSD measured before one month mail-trauma) rather than PTSD, which, according to the DSM-IV-TR, can exist diagnosed merely after one month [30]; (b) the study used a chiselled measure of PTSD—in other words, they included individuals meeting full diagnostic criteria and those with less severe post-traumatic symptoms or partial PTSD (e.g., "subsyndromal PTSD") in the same comparing group, and contrasted them with a group exposed to the same event just without PTSD; (c) the study population consisted entirely of individuals already suffering from PTSD or from a specific comorbid psychiatric disorder (due thousand., depression, Attending deficit hyperactivity disorder, substance abuse, learning disabilities) or having committed a violent offense, which would limit the generalizability of the results; (d) the written report did not specifically assess DSM-defined PTSD symptoms (e.g., studies that reported only full general symptoms); (east) the study independent insufficient data to calculate univariate effect sizes, and such data could not be obtained from the study author; (f) the article was a review or a qualitative written report that did not present new data or only presented qualitative analyses; (k) the master aim of the study was to investigate the efficacy of treatment; and (h) the study used a single-instance design [11].

Finally, if more than one article reported information from the same sample, then the about recent and complete article was included in our meta-analysis. All eligible studies were carefully reviewed by two authors (C.10. & M.West.) to ensure conclusion-rule consistency, with 100% agreement.

Data extraction and quality assessment

Data extraction was performed by two investigators (C.X. and B.T.) independently. Differences in interpretation were resolved by give-and-take with a third co-author (Y.G.) to produce ane last coding. The following information was extracted from each eligible report: get-go author'south surname, yr of publication, report location, trauma type, study blueprint, method, deployment area, PTSD diagnosis, sample size, PTSD prevalence, age and gender of participants, estimated event size (OR/RR), respective 95% CI, and covariates adjusted for in the statistical analysis. If a study reported several multivariable-adjusted effect estimates, we selected the gauge that adjusted for the most potential confounding variables.

Quality assessments were conducted independently by ii investigators (C.Ten. and Y.Grand.) using an 11-item instrument recommended past the Bureau for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) for cross-sectional studies [31] and the ix-star Newcastle-Ottawa Scale (NOS) [32] for cohort studies. Studies with 8 stars or more on the AHRQ and NOS were considered to be of loftier quality. Where the two raters' quality assessments differed, the original manufactures were re-examined along with two more than co-authors (Y.L. and P. K.) until a terminal quality rating was agreed upon. The inter-rater reliability of the quality cess between the two main raters (C.10. and Y.G.) was loftier (Cohen's kappa statistic, thou = 0.68).

Statistical analysis

We examined chance factors for gainsay-related PTSD in war machine personnel based on the ORs and 95% CIs reported in each study. A random-effects model, which assumes that the existent potential issue varies among included studies, was used to estimate the pooled RRs with 95% CIs. Heterogeneity between studies was evaluated using the χtwo test and I2 statistic, with p values lower than. 05 indicating heterogeneity and higher I2 values indicating greater variability amid trials than would be expected past chance solitary (range: 0–100%) [33]. The probability of publication bias was assessed using Egger'south regression examination. If publication bias was present, we tried to evaluate the effect of the publication bias using the trim and fill method [34].

The various differences amid the studies might accept influenced their results. Brewin et al. examined the impact of half dozen samples and study characteristics on the effect sizes of various risk factors (e.k., blazon of trauma, gender of participants, analysis by diagnostic category versus continuous score) [3]. We considered that the quality of the study, deployment locations, and nationalities of samples might contribute to variances in risk factors. Showtime, studies of different qualities would take used dissimilar study designs, measurement methods, statistical assay, and procedures, and therefore they would naturally accept obtained differing results and dissimilar quality scores. Seventeen articles (53.1% of those included) achieved a score of seven stars or less, and thus were considered low quality. Second, different deployment years and locations suggested differences in combat exposure and trauma severity levels. Twenty-1 (65.6%) articles in our meta-analysis looked at military personnel and veterans who were deployed to Transitional islamic state of afghanistan or/and Iraq after the year 2000; 11 (34.4%) articles focused on persons deployed to other areas (east.thousand., Rwanda, Bosnia, Vietnam, Gulf) before the year 2000. Finally, dissimilar nationalities would exist associated with unlike socio-demographic and military characteristics—21 articles (65.half-dozen%) focused on war machine persons from the United states of america, while eleven manufactures focused on those from other countries, such as the United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland, Australia, the netherlands, and Israel. To examine the possible effects of these variables on the study results, we conducted three subgroup (high-quality versus low-quality study; deployment to Iraq or Afghanistan versus not deployed to Republic of iraq or Afghanistan; and from the United states versus non from the Us) and sensitivity analyses in our meta-analysis. When hazard factors were for multi-categorical variables (e.g., age, education level), we used the ORs of the highest versus the lowest category.

Stata Version 12.0 software (Stata Corp, College Station, TX) was used for all analyses and all statistical tests were two-tailed. Values of p < 0.05 were considered statistically pregnant.


Characteristics of studies

Fig. 1 shows the consummate pick process. A total of 2,657 records indexed by April 2014 were retrieved using our search strategy. We excluded ii,459 articles after reading the titles and abstracts, and retained the remaining 198 articles for further evaluation by reading the total texts. Finally, we selected 32 full-text manufactures about run a risk factors for combat-related PTSD in armed forces populations for our meta-analysis (Fig. 1)[vi, 35–65], including 25 cohort studies (4 prospectively studies, 21 retrospective studies), and seven cantankerous-exclusive studies. Furthermore, 24 manufactures obtained their data through investigation (eastward.g., interview, questionnaire) of armed forces personnel and veterans subsequently they returned from their deployment areas; iv articles prospectively studied personnel before and after deployment; and four manufactures obtained their information through a clinical data middle.

Tabular array 1 shows the general characteristics of the 32 studies retained in the analyses, including trauma type, sample size, PTSD measure out, interview versus questionnaire assessment, age range, percentage of the sample that was male, and the location of the written report samples. Sample sizes from individual studies ranged from 238 to 40,600. The method described to a higher place generated 27 risk factors that were explored by two or more studies and that could therefore exist entered into the meta-analysis.

Nomenclature of gamble factors

In the 32 studies included in the analyses, the hazard factors for gainsay-related PTSD in military personnel and veterans were as follows: (a) pre-trauma factors, including socio-demographic factors (eastward.g., age, gender, race, education level, marital status), armed services characteristics ( thousand., rank, branch of service, occupation, number of deployments, length of deployments), smoking status, drinking status, depression SES, prior life events, prior trauma, and prior psychological problems; (b) peri-trauma factors, including unit back up, combat exposure, component, discharging a weapon, witnessing someone beingness wounded or killed, and trauma severity; and (c) mail-trauma factors, including comorbid psychological problems, subsequent life events, and post-deployment back up.

Study outcome

The prevalence of PTSD in military machine personnel and veterans ranged from 1.09% to 34.84%. The chance factors for combat-related PTSD are presented in Tabular array ii and Fig. 2. Multiple pre-trauma risk factors were associated with PTSD, including existence female (OR = 1.63; 95% CI, i.32–2.01), being non-White (OR = 1.18; 95% CI, ane.06–1.31), having depression education (OR = 1.33; 95% CI, 1.14–1.54), being not-officers (OR = 2.18; 95% CI, i.84–2.57), serving in the army (OR = 2.thirty; 95% CI, i.76–3.02), more deployments (OR = 1.24; 95% CI, ane.10–1.39), a longer cumulative length of deployments (OR = i.28; 95% CI, 1.13–1.45), experiencing agin life events (OR = ane.99; 95% CI, 1.55–two.57), experiencing prior trauma (OR = 1.13; 95% CI, one.01–1.26), and having prior psychological problems (OR = 1.49; 95% CI, ane.22–three.81). However, heterogeneity was establish for race (Itwo = 65.0%, p < 0.001), rank (I2 = 69.0%, p < 0.001), branch of service (Iii = 91.6%, p < 0.001), occupation (Itwo =, p = 0.001), number of deployments (I2 = 63.2%, p < 0.001), length of deployments (I2 = 71.four%, p = 0.004), experiencing agin life events (Iii = 59.8%, p = 0.011), and having prior psychological bug (I2 = 73.nine%, p < 0.001). Subgroup and sensitivity analyses indicated inconsistencies in the results for race, marital status, length of deployments, smoking condition, low SES, prior trauma, and prior psychological bug (Table two). For case, in all studies, race (existence non-White) is a positive risk factor for PTSD—however, after excluding low-quality articles, race (non-White) was unrelated to the run a risk for PTSD. This was as well truthful for the other aforementioned variables (east.yard., marital condition, smoking, prior psychological issues). Thus, the results of these studies should be interpreted with circumspection considering of the potential bias. In improver, we constitute publication bias for instruction (Egger's examination p = 0.01), marital status (Egger'due south test p = 0.013), branch of service (Egger'due south examination p = 0.03), length of deployment (Egger's exam p = 0.02), and prior psychological problems (Egger'southward test p = 0.03). After adjusting for the publication bias, the ORs were 1.51 (95% CI, 1.28–i.79) for education, 1.09 (95% CI, 0.97–i.23) for marital status, two.30 (95% CI, 1.76–3.02) for branch of service, 1.10 (95% CI, 0.90–1.34) for the length of deployments, and one.49 (95% CI, 1.22–1.82) for psychological issues.

With regard to the peri-trauma risk factors affecting war machine personnel and veterans, those who were gainsay specialists were more probable to suffer from PTSD, with pooled ORs of ane.69 (95% CI, i.39–ii.05), respectively. In addition, the risk for PTSD increased with greater gainsay exposure (OR = ii.10; 95% CI, 1.73–2.54), the feel of discharging a weapon (OR = 4.32; 95% CI, 2.60–7.18), witnessing someone being wounded or killed (OR = 3.12; 95% CI, ii.twoscore–4.06), severe trauma (OR = 2.91; 95% CI, 1.85–4.56), and deployment-related stressors (OR = 2.69; 95% CI, 1.46–4.96). Heterogeneity was constitute for unit back up (Itwo = 51.7%, p = 0.053), combat exposure (I2 = 97.iii%, p < 0.001), component (I2 = 97.9%, p < 0.001), discharging a weapon (Iii = 90.0%, p < 0.001), witnessing someone be wounded/killed (I2 = 56.3%, p = 0.043), and trauma severity (Iii = 96.8%, p < 0.001). We found inconsistencies in the results for length of deployments in the subgroup and sensitivity analyses. Nosotros likewise found a publication bias for gainsay exposure (Egger's exam p = 0.008), and component (Egger's exam p = 0.01). Afterward adjusting for the publication bias, the ORs were 0.74 (95% CI, 0.55–0.93) for combat exposure, and 0.81 (95% CI, 0.60–ane.eleven) for component.

Finally, assay of the mail-trauma factors showed that comorbid psychological problems and subsequent life events were not positively related to PTSD, while mail-deployment support was a protective factor (OR = 0.37, 95% CI, 0.18–0.77). Yet, heterogeneity was found for mail service-deployment support (I2 = 92.6%, p < 0.001), and there were inconsistencies in the results for comorbid psychological issues, subsequent life events, and postal service-deployment support in the subgroup and sensitivity analyses. That ways military persons suffered from subsequent life events were more than likely to get PTSD subsequently they came back from Iraq or Afghanistan. This was besides true for comorbid psychological problems and post-deployment back up (Table 2).


To our knowledge, this is the first meta-analysis focusing on hazard factors for combat-related PTSD in military machine personnel and veterans. Specifically, 27 take chances factors for war machine PTSD were investigated beyond 32 observational studies (25 cohort studies, 7 cross-sectional studies) published between 1980 and April 2014. Our synthesis of the relevant articles published in English language provided stiff evidence of risk factors for combat-related PTSD. Approximately 11 out of 27 risk factors (41%) were investigated in ten or more than studies. Although an increasing number of researchers have been studying combat-related PTSD in the past 30 years, only a limited number of variables accept been routinely investigated [26]. In comparing, in a meta-assay of chance factors for PTSD amidst trauma-exposed adults (based generally on retrospective data) 11 of fourteen take chances factors (79%) had been considered in 10 or more studies; in that meta-analysis, psychiatric history, life stress, and other previous traumas were not strong risk factors for the development of PTSD among armed forces service members [3]. Thus, the present written report highlights the need for further investigation of some very basic potential risk factors, such as age, smoking status, and prior psychological problems.

Pre-trauma factors

Pre-trauma factors have been reported in many studies. In this article, nosotros focused on socio-demographic factors, military characteristics, prior psychological factors, and other prior traumatic experiences. Socio-demographic factors such as age take received attention; still, the results take been mixed [66]. Specifically, the impact of beingness younger at the time of trauma on the risk of developing PTSD has been difficult to predict given the contradictory effects of age on diverse processes underlying traumatic stress reactions [67–69]. Approximately 19 studies included in our meta-assay examined age as a chance factor for combat-related PTSD; the results suggest that a younger age at the time of trauma is largely unrelated to PTSD. In addition, subgroup analyses revealed that there was no statistically significantly relationship between historic period and PTSD when only analyzing studies conducted amid Americans deployed to Iraq or Transitional islamic state of afghanistan, This finding was not constitute in individuals deployed to other areas such equally Vietnam and the Persian Gulf and for military service members from other countries. This result was somewhat dissimilar from the results published by Koenen et al. and Booth-Kewley et al. [6, 62], that indicated that a younger age was a strong adventure cistron for PTSD. Withal, in our analysis, military samples were divided into a number of diverse age brackets across 19 of the studies, therefore, nosotros decided to code historic period dichotomously (younger groups vs. older groups). Thus, it is not appropriate to describe conclusions well-nigh the age brackets that are vulnerable.

Over the past 20 years, the number of women serving in the war machine has increased, and that number is projected to go on to increase; this may increase women'south risk for developing mental health disorders [70]. Gender was too a predictor in our meta-analysis; females were more probable to experience PTSD following combat than were males. This finding supports research conducted among Army soldiers deployed to combat zones, where PTSD symptoms were found to be more common among women than in studies that compared men and women [35, 71]. A number of factors may account for these findings. Yet, the main reasons announced to exist that women report lower armed forces preparedness and less unit of measurement cohesion, and accept higher rates of depression [72].

Moreover, it has been argued that women are more likely than are men to experience sexual set on and childhood sexual corruption; withal, they are less likely to experience accidents; nonsexual assaults; and to witness death, injury, disaster, combat, and war [73]. The experience of childhood sexual abuse may exacerbate PTSD in adulthood; indeed, Breslau et al. confirmed this notion in their study using data from an epidemiologic survey. Their results were consistent with those of Brewin et al. [iii, 74, 75]. Chiefly, only 1 article (LeardMann, 2010) that met the criteria for inclusion in our meta-analysis reported relations between sexual abuse and PTSD; thus, given the low number of studies included herein, we cannot make whatever conclusions near the relations between childhood sexual abuse and PTSD,

Beyond the relations betwixt abuse and PTSD, at that place are other reasons why females may have more PTSD. For instance, females are more sensitive to threats, less probable to use effective coping strategies, and tend to interpret trauma more negatively than males [73]. In addition, when faced with unexpected trauma, men are probably simply as frightened as women are, but women are often more willing to report feeling negative emotions. This relation may besides be attributed to studies that women were observed to be avoidant, on guard, easily startled, and flooded with memories and images of an assault that could non be easily dispelled [26, 76]. Females are also thought to be more sensitive to stress hormones, possibly reducing their ability to manage stressful situations [77]. Beyond hormones, information technology may also be that women practice not do good from some of the protective factors that do good men; for instance, unit of measurement cohesion has been shown to do good men more women [78, 79].

The boosted socio-demographic risk factors associated with PTSD in military personnel and veterans were race (minority indigenous groups) and education (lower educational activity levels). Specifically, not-white military machine service members were more than probable to suffer from PTSD than whites military service members. The reason, why minority armed forces persons may be at risk for more negative consequences from PTSD remains under debate; however, it may be that minority individuals who serve in the war machine accept higher levels of other pre- or post-trauma gamble factors, or they may be more than likely to be assigned to loftier combat roles. It is of import to note that this variable was coded in a dichotomous style (white versus black/ethnic minority); therefore, important differences between minority ethnic groups may have been masked herein[iii, xi]. To the betoken of education, dissimilar educational levels indirectly influences multiple, including economical resource, social condition, social networks, and health behavior. Therefore, armed forces service members with college teaching levels may use better coping methods considering they access to more resources, thereby reducing the incidence of depression. However, it is important to note that marital status did not accept an consequence on PTSD in this meta-analysis; this finding contradicts some previous military research. For instance, Smith et al. indicated that military persons were at a essentially college take a chance for possible PTSD if they were divorced than if they were currently married or never married [6, eighty].Thus, time to come research should explore the relationship betwixt marital status and PTSD.

When military characteristics were examined, war machine rank (i.e., non-officers), branch of service (i.e., Army), occupation (i.e., combat specialists), cumulative length of deployments (i.e., longer), and number of deployments (i.e., ≥2) were important contributors to the development of combat-related PTSD. Non-officers and supply personnel were more likely to exist diagnosed with PTSD; this may be considering of their increased combat exposure [39]. Other studies have as well show that PTSD is higher amid enlisted personnel than amidst officers [81]; Booth-Kooley et al. proposed that this occurs because enlisted personnel reenter order without close connections to military machine members with like experiences, or because war machine deployment has a greater negative impact on dwelling house life for reservists than for officers. Compared to Regular army personnel, those in the Marines, Air Force, Navy, or Coast Guard are significantly less likely to written report symptoms of PTSD [61]. Few studies have examined military occupation in relation to combat exposure, or how occupation mediates links betwixt combat exposure and mental health. In one of the few studies conducted in this surface area, Mayo et al. indicated that gainsay specialists were at a greater risk for new-onset PTSD compared with health specialists, service supply, and functional personnel [39]. It was speculated that these difference were found because military persons have more and longer deployment. Thus, military persons were at a higher gamble for an enemy attack and increased combat exposure; this put them at higher risk for the development of PTSD.

Although smoking status was not positively related to PTSD in this meta-analysis, Barrett indicated that current and erstwhile smokers were more likely to see the criteria for PTSD when compared with those who reported never smoking [61]. The association betwixt smoking and PTSD has been previously found among U.South. veterans of the Vietnam War [2]. Still, most studies focusing on smoking and other agin health behaviors, such equally alcohol and drug utilize, utilise self-report screeners rather than more structured diagnostic approaches; therefore, there could be a possible bi-directional effect. That is, those who smoke may have more PTSD symptoms or PTSD symptoms may lead them to smoke. This gene remains unclear and merits farther study.

Pre-trauma factors (i.e., life events, pre-trauma psychological issues, and prior exposure to trauma) were besides related to the development of combat-related PTSD. Still, these findings were somewhat different from those reported in the meta-analysis by Brewin (2000). Specifically, Brewin (2000) found that the effects of pre-trauma factors were mediated past subsequent trauma factors or individual responses to the trauma. That is, the effects of these variables are distal rather than proximal, and their touch is diluted past one or more intervening variables [3].

In that location is a common thread between prior exposure to adverse life events and the exposed person's own psychological problems as predictors of PTSD. Psychological problems—which can both create and result from poorer social support—play some role in the risk of PTSD after exposure to traumatic stressors [26]. Most studies have used cross-sectional or retrospective data. These studies practise non have pre-deployment data on the mental health status of armed forces samples, and only a modest number of studies have examined the relationship between existing disorders and combat-related PTSD. Thus, it is difficult to ascertain the effects of decreased mental or concrete health on the onset or persistence of symptoms of PTSD. Some studies take also found that prior sexual abuse may increment armed services person's vulnerability or resilience post-obit potentially traumatic events [26]; since women are more often exposed to sexual abuse than men, this finding may likewise help to explain the heightened PTSD prevalence amid women.

Peri-trauma factors

Deployment-related variables like combat exposure were significantly associated with gainsay-related PTSD. Deployed personnel with gainsay exposure reported more symptoms of PTSD than those deployed individuals without gainsay exposure. This is similar to previous findings that PTSD risk increased amidst combat soldiers who returned from Vietnam, the Western farsi Gulf, Iraq and Transitional islamic state of afghanistan, who had increased combat exposure, multiple deployments, and longer deployments [5, 82, 83]. Researchers have also reported that greater elapsed time from military machine active duty worry about family life during deployment, and separation from armed services service were significantly risk factors for PTSD [50, 84].

Although combat exposure is considered the leading stressor of war, many researchers have emphasized the importance of deployment-related stressors on PTSD; these deployment-related stressors include excessive estrus or cold, concerns or problems with family members back habitation, boredom, lack of privacy, and problems with leadership [6]. In improver, Engekhard et al. indicated that noncombat stressors such every bit operational stressors, low-magnitude stressors, and contextual stressors also play an of import role in the development of PTSD. However, service component difference did non emerge in this meta-analysis.

Military personnel were more likely to develop PTSD if they discharged a weapon or witnessed an injury or death during their deployment. Discharging a weapon is probable to generate a traumatic retentiveness direct associated with the negative event, this is considered an important forerunner to gainsay-related PTSD. It is probable that military machine service members who witnessed someone being injured or killed during deployment experienced intense fear at that time.

In addition, the relationship between being injured and PTSD may be related to the severity of the injuries (e.thou., injuries resulting in amputation and disability). The onset of disability is likely to reduce the quality of life in military personnel and veterans that may atomic number 82 to PTSD. This is consistent with what Trickey et al.'south findings; specifically, they reported that trauma severity was strongly associated with the risk of developing PTSD. All the same, they as well indicated that the effect of trauma severity was complex, since the objective measurement was complicated by a number of conceptual factors [11]. Other studies have as well demonstrated a link between physical injury and PTSD. For example, in a recent meta-assay, Ozer et al. indicated that the strongest predictors of PTSD were psychological processes during the traumatic event [26]. MacGregor confirmed that injuries occurring in battle were more strongly associated with PTSD when compared with non-battle injuries [38].

Post-trauma factors

Post-deployment support, subsequent life stress, and comorbid psychological problems are among the personal factors that have been considered equally possible chance factors for PTSD [85]. A positive recovery surround after trauma exposure may serve as a protective factor. For instance, social back up is associated with a lower PTSD risk in both the general population and military settings [iii, 26]. High levels of social care and support may foster feelings of self-reliance and self-security among military people; these feelings protect against PTSD. Furthermore, armed forces people who were unemployed afterwards their military service were more likely to showroom post-combat PTSD symptoms. This suggests that a loss of resources diminishes veterans' ability to care for their families to the same extent as before the deployment. In other words, it also highlights the importance of reducing the run a risk of PTSD.

In the current meta-assay, comorbid psychological problems were not gamble factors for developing combat-related PTSD; thus, the relationship between comorbidities and PTSD is withal unclear. In a systematic review, mixed results suggesting that comorbid psychological problems may be risk factors for PTSD following combat exposure, or that PTSD may be a predictor of comorbid psychological problems, or that they may share mutual adventure factors [86]. However, another study by Trickey et al. revealed that comorbid psychological problems (due east.g., feet, depression) were meaning risk factors, and depression was the most predictive of PTSD [xi]. Thus, futurity enquiry should examine psychiatric reactions after the gainsay exposure.


It is important to note that our study had some limitations. To begin, this meta-assay only included observational studies; most information were based on self-report measures, that tin can exist decumbent to biases in sample option, recall, and data evaluation, every bit well as misreckoning biases. There was also significant heterogeneity among the studies due to sampling, design, measurement, and statistical analysis. This is not uncommon in reviews of observational studies [87]. Furthermore, many of the variables included in the analyses were merely examined in a small proportion of studies, thereby limiting the generalizability of the findings. Moreover, the 32 studies nosotros included contained information from merely a small-scale number of female participants who were deployed to combat areas, as previously noted, women may have unique adventure factors for PTSD that were not confirmed in our article, including experiences of sexual assault and childhood sexual abuse. This should exist examined more than closely in future inquiry.

In improver, all of the studies involved deployed personnel and assumed that trauma exposure was combat related. Nonetheless, the nature of the traumas leading to PTSD cannot be confirmed, given the cocky-report nature of the studies. Finally, we were not able to reveal the exact nature of the relationship betwixt the risk factors; therefore, better levels of prediction could occur by aggregating these adventure factors. Thus, investigations of interaction, mediator, and moderator furnishings are necessary. Nevertheless, our study highlights areas that will do good from further investigation.


In determination, despite some limitations of the studies included in the meta-assay, this written report revealed positive relationships between several predictors and PTSD among military personnel and veterans. As previously noted, across the traumatic consequence itself, individual and social vulnerability factors influence the development of PTSD. In our report, we examined the risk factors for PTSD based on the ORs/RRs and 95% CIs reported in each study; our assay revealed that the relatively larger estimated effect size of predictors were adverse peri-deployment events (e.1000., discharged a weapon, saw someone wounded/killed), trauma severity, and adverse life events. Thus, more than attention should be given to the function of personal and environment variables in predicting PTSD.

In general, the nowadays study has implications for the theoretical understanding of PTSD and can help armed forces health service workers reduce the incidence of PTSD among military service members. First, this enquiry may provide ideas for military leaders and policy makers to constitute programs to improve assessments, prevention efforts, and interventions for combat-related PTSD. Specifically, it is necessary to understand the health of military personnel since assessing the mental health of military personnel before their deployment is easy to initiate. Indeed, military leaders and lodge should provide continuous back up to military persons before, during, and subsequently their deployment. Second, these results can assist clinicians understand the relevant chance factors and provide treatment prior to difficulties becoming chronic. Additionally, clinicians should pay more attention to previously existing mental disorders in military personnel.

Importantly, in that location are some problems that crave farther study. First, the varying furnishings of ages, ethnicity, and co-operative of service should be explored in future research. 2nd, and the most importantly, the thrust of time to come research should be on the more than proximal mechanisms or processes in the development of combat-related PTSD; moreover, researchers should work to better understand how these variables collaborate and how to better protect military machine personnel from combat-related PTSD.

Supporting Information


We thank Editage for providing linguistic communication help.

Author Contributions

Conceived and designed the experiments: CX BT YG YL PK MW LZ. Performed the experiments: CX BT YG YL PK MW LZ. Analyzed the data: CX BT YG YL PK MW LZ. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: CX BT. Wrote the newspaper: CX.


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